Past Events
- November 24, 2023: Holiday Christmas Party
- February 4, 2020: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: From symptoms to treatment and everything in between
- February 8, 2019: Holiday Cocktail Party
- April 11, 2019: The Big Spring Debate
- June 2019: Year End Event
- October 9, 2019: Neuro-imaging, Traumatic Brain Injury cases
- December 5, 2019: Holiday Cocktail Party
- November 20, 2018: Holiday Cocktail Party
- October 24, 2018: Knock Knock – Concussion & Post-Concussion Syndrome
- June 12, 2018: Year End Event Summer Social The Hamilton Club, Hamilton
- April 26, 2018: Chronic Pain and the Opioid Crisis
- February 8, 2018: Anatomy Lab – Hands on from Neck to Knees
- November 24, 2017: Christmas Cocktail Party 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. THE HAMILTON CLUB
- October 26, 2017: Medical Marijuana: More than a puff of smoke: Pot Talk II
- June 16, 2017: Year End Event Dinner and dance. Liuna Gardens, Hamilton
- April 7 - 8, 2017: The Forensics of the Bosma Trial - An evening with Tony Leitch
- February 23, 2017: Law 101 An Interactive Courtroom Trial
- November 25, 2016: Holiday Cocktail Party
- September 22, 2016 - Anatomy 101
- May 19, 2016: Magic, Mind Reading & Hypnosis… and Dinner
- April 8 - 9, 2016: CAT Impairment Definition Changes & the MIG Treatment Protocol Project
- February 22, 2016: Good Grief! Understanding Grieving Patients and Clients
- December 11, 2015: Holiday Cocktail Party
- November 12, 2015: Supreme Court Ruling on Physician-Assisted Suicide: Medical and Legal Implications
- September 8, 2015: Expert Witness Training: Surviving a Day in the Witness Box
- April 10 & 11, 2015: Spring Getaway: How to prepare for the cross examination of an expert witness from both the lawyer's and expert's perspective
- March 31, 2015: Medical Marijuana: Can we suck and blow at the same time?
- November 28, 2014: Christmas Cocktail Party
- November 13, 2014: Robert Munroe: I'm served with a subpoena, what should I do?
Disclaimer: This PowerPoint presentation is a very general description only of some issues that arise when professionals are served with a Summons. It is not a substitute for legal opinion concerning a specific fact situation for which you should consult a lawyer of your choice and not rely on this presentation. Subpoena PowerPoint Presentation - September 29, 2014: Bones, Muscles, Trauma 101 & When Personal Injury visits the Family Doctor
- June 6th, 2014: Year End Event – Mystery Dinner Theatre
- May 2014: An opportunity to experience educational simulations @ @ McMaster University Medical Centre
- April 11 & 12, 2014: Ethics in Medical-Legal Practice, Panel and Discussion
- February 19th, 2014: Dr. Jane Storrie, Ph.D., C.Psych., ABDA. President, Ontario Psychological Association: The DSM-5: Expanding the Definition of Mental Illness to Catch Us All?
- December 6th, 2013: Christmas Cocktail Party
- November 6th, 2013: Kathryn A. McKague: Medical-Legal Reports and Testimony What Makes a Good Medical Report – Presentation
- September 30th, 2013: Examination and Cross Examination of a Medical Expert
Dr. Roman Jovey: Opioids for Chronic Pain – Problem or Progress? Dr. Roman Jovey Opioids for Chronic Pain – Problem or Progress?
- January 15th, 2013: Dr. Andrew McCallum, Chief Coroner of Ontario
- November 23rd, 2012: Christmas Cockstail Party
- June 2012: Year End Event including James Street North Art Crawl
- May 2012: Anatomy 101
- April 20th 2012 – April 21st 2012: Spring Symposium XIII "The Caps, the MIG, and the Ugly: Impact of SABS Changes on Access to Assessment and Treatment" at the Hilton Niagara Falls
Lesya Dyk: Issues with IE Assessments
Dr. Brian Levitt – Combining Physical and Psychological Impairments - February 9th 2012: Dr. Isabelle Cote
- May 11th, 2011: Anatomy Room 101 An opportunity to experience educational simulations at McMaster Hospital
- April 8/9, 2011: Spring GetawayUtilization of Experts Under the New Rules of Civil Procedure
Expert Evidence – Arthur A. Camporese (MS PowerPoint)
Acknowledgement of Expert's Duty (MS Word)
Expert Witnesses looking back | thinking forward, The Honourable Madam Justice Jane A. Milanetti (PDF)
Rule from the Civil Procedure (MS Word) - February 9th, 2011: The Social and Clinical Impact of Pain Drugs
- November 26, 2010: Christmas Cocktail Party